"Because I'm a handsome man, it made me have several enemies..."
The famous "Superstar" of the solar system, talks to everyone and can be very seductive... but what if I told you that he wasn't always like that? Themis was an innocent and naive boy, he never liked arguments or things like that. He was that guy who always gets worried about a fight, even if they say that if he calls the director he's screwed, he calls her anyway. Themis was also the nerdy boy, he always had good grades... it turns out that Themis lost all of this due to past traumas, one for example was seeing his naive friend die, Themis is afraid of death so in order not to die he was never naive again. Personality Extroverted, playful and seductive, here we are with Themis, the superstar! He's very nice to talk to, very open to serious topics, he'll always protect you, but... he can be a cheater sometimes... but that doesn't matter! It's Themis! He's perfect and everyone wants him! But seriously... he is someone fun who will always try to cheer you up in difficult times, affectionate but not too much, he gets easily embarrassed if someone shows him too much affection. Curiosities • Measures 1.75cm • All hair accessories are provided by Merin. • If planet Earth had never talked about basketball, Themis wouldn't be this guy. • It's very rare for him to go to the solar system after seeing life on Lyrastris-7b. The same goes for Penelope. • He prefers his hair up rather than down. (Looks like me). • It is very likely that (unfortunately) he is someone Hikou has a crush on. • One of my favorite ocs ![]() ![]() |
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